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Clockwork Lenormand Oracle Deck, 47 cards

a Clockwork/Steampunk-Inspired, expanded Lenormand deck


sample Clockwork Lenormand Oracle cards

Clockwork Lenormand: Physical Decks and Journals

The Clockwork Lenormand Oracle deck portrays a world with a Divine Watchmaker. Gears and mystery power everything, with a flavor of Victorian Steampunk spice. Living things in this world are bio-mechanical, and mechanical things are alive.
This is a Lenormand deck you could read at a glance, inclusive, fun, bizarre, and beautiful, yet still small enough for a full Grand Tableau.
Includes two Non-Binary person cards, and four each Man, Lady, and Child cards of different races for a total of 47 cards.
Plus a brand-new 5-card spread in the pdf guidebook.

Download the PDF "Little White Book" for the Clockwork Lenormand Oracle Deck

So Many Ways to Enjoy the Clockwork Lenormand Oracle

  • Clockwork Lenormand Oracle Deck will available on Etsy & here
  • Clockwork Lenormand Journal, to record your thoughts after each card pull. AVAILABLE (4/28/2023)
  • Clockwork Lenormand Gift Sets will be on Etsy
  • Clockwork Lenormand Zazzle store coming soon, with new products added whenever I have time. If there is a particular product you want, contact me.
  • DECKIBLE APP version of the Clockword Lenormand Oracle Deck AVAILABLE (April 9, 2023). Use the deck on your phone!
Clockwork Lenormand Oracle Deck Journal Cover


Buy the Clockwork Lenormand Oracle Deck on my Etsy shop, Gevera Bert Piedmont, if you live in the U.S.A. If not, contact me for shipping information. Email is bybertabird at the email of the googles.